from Austin Mann

Setting up your iPhone 14 Pro Camera Settings:

Configure general Camera settings

  1. Go to Settings > Camera > Use Volume Up for Burst and toggle this ON so you can activate Burst mode using the Volume Up button.
  2. Go to Settings > Camera > Preserve Settings and toggle everything ON so the camera will remember your camera settings and preferences (like a traditional pro camera does.)
  3. For maximum access/efficiency, put the “Camera” app in the dock at the bottom of your screen on the right hand side so you can quick access it with your thumb.

Configure your ProRAW settings

  1. Go to Settings > Camera > Formats and turn on “Apple ProRAW.” Shooting in ProRAW will give you maximum flexibility when editing your images later
  2. Decide between 12MP and 48MP. I recommend 12MP for daily use and bumping up to 48MP when you are shooting with plenty of available light and really want extra detail.
    1. Use the following shortcut to quickly access the 12/48MP toggle:


(thanks to Brent Billings for shortcut)

A few tips for 48MP ProRAW photos

A few tips for Action mode

Action mode is the new image stabilization technology for shooting super smooth and stable video footage with your iPhone.